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Sustainability Statement
When our company conducts its business we see to it it will not harm people or planet, safeguarding its future business in the process. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting nature and delivering social governance are all ways that businesses can make the shift towards sustainability.

on Social
Social sustainability encompasses many areas. The focus is on decent working conditions, including equal opportunities and gender equality. Many things that we take for granted in Asia must be actively secured in other parts of the world. We support the goals of the United Nations (UN) such as poverty reduction and decent work. With regard to goals such as higher education and health, we use all the means at our disposal. A credible internal implementation of the sustainability goals also establishes Ex-works as a trustworthy and fair partners.

Sustainability on Environment
When you consider that the logistics industry accounts for almost 8% of global CO2 emissions, it becomes clear how great our responsibility as a logistics service provider is. Therefore, we see the reduction of CO2 emissions from the transports we carry out as a central task. We are constantly working to find ways to reduce or offset our customers’ carbon footprint. By making emissions from freight routes visible (e.g. with our CO2 calculator), our customers can compare alternatives and find the best solution together with us.

on governance
The area of corporate management or “governance”, referring to the criteria of Environmental Social Governance (ESG). We see ourselves as a “corporate citizen”, conducting business processes and decisions consistently according to impeccable ethical standards. This includes guidelines against corruption, compliance, certified quality management and appropriate risk management. Moreover, they can build a positive reputation, enhance customer loyalty, and attract skilled workforce for efficient services.