Ex-works Cargo Services Inc.

The Core Values

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+63 2 5310 70 99

The company

Your Service Provider.

At Ex-Works Cargo, our core values of integrity and transparency shape our mission and vision. We empower global individuals and businesses to effortlessly source, manufacture, and distribute products, regardless of their logistics knowledge. Our dedication to excellence ensures efficient and reliable shipping, providing easy access to comprehensive logistics solutions. This support helps businesses tap into diverse markets and achieve operational success. Whether you’re an experienced importer or new to global trade, we streamline logistics complexities, allowing you to concentrate on growth and expanding your global reach.

The Core Values

In our company, core values to really matter, it goes far beyond a simple list of guiding principles. Ideally, it authentically define how our team members (1) operate, (2) behave, and (3) interact on a day-to-day basis. It is supported by accountability mechanisms to easily integrate into performance management system.

Customer – We value and listen to our Customers first. We anticipate their needs and offer them excellent product and services.

Absolute – We shall conduct ourselves with absolute integrity with confidence in our dealings and decision making.

Respect – We shall treat everybody with respect and dignity at all times. Both elements have to be there and it has to be mutual. Respect without trust, relation will crumble.

Group – Human resources, the most valuable assets of our company and we can achieve greater things with excellent group spirit by recognizing and respecting diversity in the group, which is the belief that there is enough success for everyone.

Objective – We are committed to do the best that we can be with a ”We make it happen, We make it work” attitude as pride for the company, his history and brand image.

The code of conduct


Our code of business ethics and conduct applies to all employees in every place where Ex-works operates. It provides ethical and legal guidance so they can do business honestly, ethically, and lawfully. By doing business with integrity, our safeguards its reputation and strengthens trust with customers, employees, communities, suppliers and other stakeholders.

The competition compliance policy

Our competition compliance policy represents and affirms the company policy under which we comply with any competition law of any country, which is one of the fundamental rules of the market.  We understand that each company and all of its officers and employees are obliged to comply with policies and any violation hereof may lead to a disciplinary action.

Supplier code of conduct

Our supplier code of conduct outlines standards to be adhered to by suppliers, vendors and subcontractors. The code requires third parties engaged by Ex-works to verify that they have ethical guidelines and programs in place to guard against corruption, labor exploitation, discrimination and harassment.

Zero tolerance for bribery


Our stance against any kinds of corruption includes zero tolerance for bribery and applies to our employees, suppliers, customers and business partner. The commitment is embodied in our policies designed to prevent corruption and in the company’s participation in global initiatives.

Goals gives our lives meaning.

Our mission statement provides the organization with a clear and effective guide for making decisions, while the vision statement ensures that all the decisions made are properly aligned with what our organization hopes to achieve.


To deliver a positive, reliable experience to each and every one of our clients while offering exceptional value in the marketplace and setting the standard for professionalism. In addition to operating our business profitably, we strive to operate it responsibly both for our clients and our employees.


By focusing on the needs of the customers we serve in a proactive, determined and responsive manner, we and the people we entrust will continue to grow, develop and expand our service provision, whilst being acutely aware of the environment around us and the worlds limited resources.

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